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  • Bigjj has received 6x Minor Elysium Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/27/24 12:08AM]

  • Bronng has received 7x Instance Goodiebag from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/27/24 12:08AM]

  • Master4life has received 1x Kingdom Staff from a GRAND Apollyon Box

    [7/27/24 12:08AM]

  • Tacotime has received 2x Fanatic Cape from a Fanatic Destroyer

    [7/27/24 12:03AM]

  • Des has received 1x Kingdom Body from a GRAND Kingdom Box

    [7/27/24 12:01AM]

  • Draghkar has received 4x Instance Goodiebag from a Instance Boss

    [7/26/24 11:50PM]

  • Sendu2edge has received 12x Instance Goodiebag from a Instance Boss

    [7/26/24 11:50PM]

  • T4x has received 4x Instance Goodiebag from a Instance Boss

    [7/26/24 11:50PM]

  • Lazex117 has received 2x Instance Goodiebag from a Instance Boss

    [7/26/24 11:50PM]

  • Kushy has received 1x Altex Wings from a Altex Defender

    [7/26/24 11:44PM]

  • Willis Pope has received 1x Overseer Boots from a Overseer Archer

    [7/26/24 11:35PM]

  • Wallet has received 20x Minor Satanic Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 11:35PM]

  • Lazex117 has received 4x Minor Satanic Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 11:35PM]

  • Tacotime has received 1x Magical Quiver from a Super Apollyon Box

    [7/26/24 11:31PM]

  • Iron Goat69 has received 3x Magical Quiver from a World Crusher

    [7/26/24 11:25PM]

  • Willis Pope has received 2x Glorious Glaive from a Glorious Odin

    [7/26/24 11:17PM]

  • Khorn has received 2x Witchling Attachment from a Slayer Demon

    [7/26/24 11:16PM]

  • Gim Tingling has received 16x Instance Goodiebag from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 11:03PM]

  • Lazex117 has received 4x Minor Satanic Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 11:03PM]

  • Beer has received 10x Instance Goodiebag from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 11:03PM]

  • Snapcaster has received 9x Minor Elysium Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 11:03PM]

  • Iron Gyat69 has received 4x Minor Satanic Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 11:03PM]

  • Khorn has received 4x Minor Satanic Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 11:03PM]

  • Frostbyte has received 2x Minor Satanic Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 11:03PM]

  • Khorn has received 2x GRAND Elysium Box from a Locust Controller

    [7/26/24 11:02PM]

  • Willis Pope has received 2x GRAND Satanic Box from a Locust Controller

    [7/26/24 11:02PM]

  • Hankdog has received 1x Supreme Key from a God of Voting

    [7/26/24 10:40PM]

  • Willis Pope has received 12x Instance Goodiebag from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 10:31PM]

  • Lazex117 has received 10x Instance Goodiebag from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 10:31PM]

  • Frostbyte has received 2x Fanatic Helmet from a Fanatic Destroyer

    [7/26/24 10:27PM]

  • Hankdog has received 1x Salient Boots from a Superior Salient Ranger

    [7/26/24 10:25PM]

  • Willis Pope has received 1x Fanatic Sword from a Fanatic Destroyer

    [7/26/24 10:11PM]

  • Blind Shit has received 1x Ranger Ring from a Minor Apollyon Box

    [7/26/24 10:05PM]

  • Total Newb has received 1x Purple Dinosaur (epic) from a Dinosaur Companion Egg

    [7/26/24 09:59PM]

  • Merch has received 6x Minor Elysium Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 09:58PM]

  • Khorn has received 6x Minor Elysium Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 09:58PM]

  • Frostbyte has received 1x Overseer Legs from a Overseer Archer

    [7/26/24 09:55PM]

  • Ninjaryan has received 1x Salient Bow from a Kingdom Casket

    [7/26/24 09:51PM]

  • Ninjaryan has received 1x Kingdom Legs from a Kingdom Casket

    [7/26/24 09:47PM]

  • Gim Tingling has received 2x Ice Golem Gloves from a Ice Golem

    [7/26/24 09:35PM]

  • Willis Pope has received 1x Kingdom Staff from a Royal Kingdom Box

    [7/26/24 09:28PM]

  • Willis Pope has received 2x Salient Boots from a Superior Salient Ranger

    [7/26/24 09:26PM]

  • Wallet has received 12x Instance Goodiebag from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 09:26PM]

  • Frostbyte has received 18x Instance Goodiebag from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 09:26PM]

  • Willis Pope has received 6x Minor Elysium Box from a Fantasy Fanatic

    [7/26/24 09:26PM]

  • Frostbyte has received 1x Occult Shield from a Occult Wizard

    [7/26/24 09:20PM]

  • Frostbyte has received 2x Knight Boots from a Knight Warrior

    [7/26/24 09:17PM]

  • Educating has received 1x Salient Bow from a Royal Kingdom Box

    [7/26/24 09:07PM]

  • Educating has received 1x Kingdom Legs from a Royal Kingdom Box

    [7/26/24 09:05PM]

  • Codizle has received 4x Prayer Key (Epic) from a Praying Predator

    [7/26/24 09:00PM]

Rank Username Time Played
#1 Zane 6303 hours
#2 Rapstyle 5914 hours
#3 Doc Skill 5237 hours
#4 Metamiller 4290 hours
#5 X Rated 4205 hours
Rank Username Total Level
#1 Luke 600,002,400
#2 Its Jonny 500,002,400
#3 Frooblet 500,002,400
#4 Polo G 500,002,400
#5 Simon 4,060,598
Rank Username Kills
#1 Au Gold 5,886,615
#2 Droptheship 4,205,907
#3 Eagl3wings 3,087,584
#4 Fatal 2,702,312
#5 Doc 2,661,136
Rank Username Votes
#1 Reformed 4,762
#2 Doc 3,101
#3 Metamiller 2,490
#4 Gab 2,426
#5 Axel52 2,218
Rank Username D-Rank
#1 Luckytassy Ultimate Donator
#2 Kingself Ultimate Donator
#3 Polo G Ultimate Donator
#4 Snapcaster Ultimate Donator
#5 Obscure Ultimate Donator
Live Game Global Chat
  • [8 minutes ago] [Envyme] gz

  • [12 minutes ago] [Tingling] someone come fp me 10t

  • [12 minutes ago] [Lazex117] game creds in pos

  • [12 minutes ago] [Sendu2edge] probably bc ur not knight :P

  • [12 minutes ago] [Sendu2edge] ouch...

  • [12 minutes ago] [Tingling] l0l

  • [13 minutes ago] [Tingling] this acc has over double total of my gim

  • [13 minutes ago] [Sendu2edge] took me like 1500 just to get new pray

  • [13 minutes ago] [Tingling] fk me

  • [13 minutes ago] [Tingling] and i cant get this fucking x2 rc pray

  • [13 minutes ago] [Tingling] 7.3k mega keys

  • [13 minutes ago] [Tingling] bro

  • [15 minutes ago] [Exceptional] buying 2x evo xp

  • [16 minutes ago] [Lazex117] game creds on pos for 95b per cred

  • [18 minutes ago] [Tingling] but you could double it ;)

  • [19 minutes ago] [Tacotime] nah i cant do it lmao i need that money id be pissed if i lost

  • [19 minutes ago] [Master4life] 180k infinity slayer tokens @ my pos

  • [20 minutes ago] [Willis Pope] ty

  • [20 minutes ago] [Tingling] @luke

  • [20 minutes ago] [Willisp] any staff on to kick Willis Pope?

  • [20 minutes ago] [Tingling] gl taco?

  • [21 minutes ago] [Lazex117] 7,500,000,000,000

  • [21 minutes ago] [Tacotime] xD

  • [21 minutes ago] [Tingling] you put it for 12t, i'll gl 14t vs it

  • [21 minutes ago] [Tacotime] i onyl have like 2T worth of items beside that

  • [22 minutes ago] [Tacotime] lmao tingling ill come gamble the quiver if you have to win 2 to my one xD

  • [22 minutes ago] [Sendu2edge] 7.5 Y how many 0's is that?

  • [23 minutes ago] [Lazex117] selling game credits 100 for 7.5Y

  • [23 minutes ago] [Tingling] come gamble the quiver vs me :]

  • [23 minutes ago] [Tingling] taco

  • [23 minutes ago] [Tacotime] cheapest game creds and magical quiver my pos

  • [27 minutes ago] [Tingling] fp 100k in bonds

  • [33 minutes ago] [Tingling] fp 3-20t

  • [37 minutes ago] [Tacotime] trading magical quiver for any ranger peice

  • [37 minutes ago] [Tacotime] oh i c

  • [37 minutes ago] [Tacotime] wait thats not even on the ::items list lol

  • [38 minutes ago] [Iron Master] imagine being a lucky duck AND a silli goose

  • [38 minutes ago] [Willis Pope] lucky duck

  • [38 minutes ago] [Willis Pope] gzzz

  • [38 minutes ago] [Iron Master] gzzz

  • [38 minutes ago] [Tacotime] HUUUGE upgrade

  • [39 minutes ago] [Tingling] 3

  • [39 minutes ago] [Lazex117] lol

  • [40 minutes ago] [Kushy] i forgot you could save 15% or more by switching to geico

  • [41 minutes ago] [Lazex117] i forgot u can dis nightmare frags :\

  • [43 minutes ago] [Gim Tingling] :]

  • [43 minutes ago] [Luke] i see now

  • [43 minutes ago] [Gim Tingling] im on both

  • [43 minutes ago] [Gim Tingling] i am nerd

  • [43 minutes ago] [Luke] i meant not on your iron

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